This school year, the Evening of Mathematics was held on December 12 at 6 pm. Workshops for children and parents are organized and held for the seventh consecutive year.

The response was as excellent as in previous years. Approximately 60 lower elementary and regional high school students with their teachers and parents participated, and 65 upper secondary students with mathematics teachers. The workshops were innovative, engaging, student-friendly and tailored to their age and interests.

For the first time, a smart board was used for association games in 7th grade, led by teacher Valentina Škorvage, and a treasure hunt was successfully conducted in 5th grade, led by teacher Ana Pusic Lucija Tolusic and Marina Bajamic and educational games in the 6th grade under the guidance of teacher Goran Kupceric.

At the end of the companionship, students were thanked for their participation and teachers were thanked for their participation and organization.

We consider the event a success because the students went home satisfied and with a smile on their face, which was the main goal with the approach of mathematics to students in a new and interesting way!