Christmas holidays are coming soon, so it is time to recap the actions we completed and those we have to do before that: What all the school have completed so far: made their administrative arrangements (budget), appointed their teams (who know what responsibilities they have in the project), selected the target groups (students) We have created a Website (Croatia), a Facebook group (France) and an etwinning group (France) The logo contest has started on Monday 2 december and results will be given on Monday 9 december.
Kick off meeting took place in Aydin where we agreed on tasks, objectives and mobility dates.
All schools (except Turkey and France 2) have uploaded a powerpoint presenting their school, city, region/country).
What we need to do : create a project corner in our schools meet with parents, local communities to present the project and partner schools exchange teaching ideas on the website, etwinning and facebook group Make level tests to all our students. France 2 and Greece will send these asap so we can test students and share results. Turkey and France 2 will upload their powerpoint school presentations.